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_process_args(args: dict[str, Collection[Any] | Any] | None) -> tuple[dict[str, Collection[Any]], str]

Process arguments for a task.


args The arguments to process.


tuple[dict[str, Collection[Any]], str] The names of all non-flag and non-count arguments and the string representation of the arguments.

Source code in src/rra_tools/
def _process_args(
    args: dict[str, Collection[Any] | Any] | None,
) -> tuple[dict[str, Collection[Any]], str]:
    """Process arguments for a task.

        The arguments to process.

    tuple[dict[str, Collection[Any]], str]
        The names of all non-flag and non-count arguments and the string
        representation of the arguments.
    if args is None:
        return {}, ""
    out_args = {}
    arg_parts = []
    for k, v in args.items():
        if v is not None:
            arg_parts.append(f"--{k} {{{k.replace('-', '_')}}}")
            out_args[k.replace("-", "_")] = v
        elif len(k) == 1 or k in ["v", "vv", "vvv"]:
    arg_string = " ".join(arg_parts)
    return out_args, arg_string

build_parallel_task_graph(jobmon_tool, runner: str, task_name: str, task_resources: dict[str, str | int], *, node_args: dict[str, Collection[Any] | None] | None = None, flat_node_args: tuple[tuple[str, ...], Collection[tuple[Any, ...]]] | None = None, task_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None, op_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None, max_attempts: int | None = None) -> list[Any]

Build a parallel task graph for jobmon.


jobmon_tool The jobmon tool. runner The runner to use for the task. task_name The name of the task. node_args The arguments to the task script that are unique to each task. The keys of the dict are the names of the arguments and the values are lists of the values to use for each task. A dict with multiple keys will result in a cartesian product of the values. Mutually exclusive with flat_node_args. flat_node_args The arguments to the task script that are unique to each task. The first element of the tuple is the names of the arguments and the second element is a list of tuples of the values to use for each task. This can be used to avoid the cartesian product of node_args and just run a subset of the possible tasks. Mutually exclusive with node_args. task_args The arguments to the task script that are the same for each task, but alter the behavior of the task (e.g. input and output root directories). op_args Arguments that are passed to the task script but do not alter the logical behavior of the task (e.g. number of cores, logging verbosity). task_resources The resources to allocate to the task. max_attempts The maximum number of attempts to make for each task.


list A list of tasks to run.

Source code in src/rra_tools/
def build_parallel_task_graph(  # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] # noqa: PLR0913
    runner: str,
    task_name: str,
    task_resources: dict[str, str | int],
    node_args: dict[str, Collection[Any] | None] | None = None,
    flat_node_args: tuple[tuple[str, ...], Collection[tuple[Any, ...]]] | None = None,
    task_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    op_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    max_attempts: int | None = None,
) -> list[Any]:
    """Build a parallel task graph for jobmon.

        The jobmon tool.
        The runner to use for the task.
        The name of the task.
        The arguments to the task script that are unique to each task. The keys of
        the dict are the names of the arguments and the values are lists of the
        values to use for each task. A dict with multiple keys will result in a
        cartesian product of the values. Mutually exclusive with
        The arguments to the task script that are unique to each task. The first
        element of the tuple is the names of the arguments and the second element
        is a list of tuples of the values to use for each task. This can be used
        to avoid the cartesian product of node_args and just run a subset of the
        possible tasks. Mutually exclusive with node_args.
        The arguments to the task script that are the same for each task, but
        alter the behavior of the task (e.g. input and output root directories).
        Arguments that are passed to the task script but do not alter the logical
        behavior of the task (e.g. number of cores, logging verbosity).
        The resources to allocate to the task.
        The maximum number of attempts to make for each task.

        A list of tasks to run.
    for arg in ["stdout", "stderr"]:
        task_resources[arg] = str(task_resources.get(arg, "/tmp"))  # noqa: S108

    if node_args is not None and flat_node_args is not None:
        msg = "node_args and flat_node_args are mutually exclusive."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    if flat_node_args is not None:
        node_arg_string = " ".join(
            f"--{arg} {{{arg.replace('-', '_')}}}" for arg in flat_node_args[0]
        flat_node_args = (
            tuple([arg.replace("-", "_") for arg in flat_node_args[0]]),
        clean_node_args: dict[str, Collection[Any]] = {k: [] for k in flat_node_args[0]}
        clean_node_args, node_arg_string = _process_args(node_args)
    clean_task_args, task_arg_string = _process_args(task_args)
    clean_op_args, op_arg_string = _process_args(op_args)

    command_template = (
        f"{runner} {task_name} {node_arg_string} {task_arg_string} {op_arg_string}"

    task_template = jobmon_tool.get_task_template(

    if flat_node_args is not None:
        tasks = []
        arg_names, arg_values = flat_node_args
        for args in arg_values:
            task_args = {
                **dict(zip(arg_names, args, strict=False)),
            task = task_template.create_task(
        tasks = task_template.create_tasks(
    return tasks

get_jobmon_tool(workflow_name: str)

Get a jobmon tool for a given workflow name with a helpful error message.


workflow_name The name of the workflow.


Tool A jobmon tool.


ModuleNotFoundError If jobmon is not installed.

Source code in src/rra_tools/
def get_jobmon_tool(workflow_name: str):  # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
    """Get a jobmon tool for a given workflow name with a helpful error message.

        The name of the workflow.

        A jobmon tool.

        If jobmon is not installed.
        from jobmon.client.tool import Tool  # type: ignore[import-not-found]
    except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
        msg = (
            "Jobmon is not installed.\n"
            "Ensure you have a file in your home "
            "directory at '~/.pip/pip.conf' with contents\n\n"
            "extra-index-url =\n"
            "trusted-host =\n\n"
            "and run 'pip install jobmon_installer_ihme' to install jobmon."
        raise ModuleNotFoundError(msg) from e

    return Tool(workflow_name)

run_parallel(runner: str, task_name: str, task_resources: dict[str, str | int], *, node_args: dict[str, Collection[Any] | None] | None = None, flat_node_args: tuple[tuple[str, ...], Collection[tuple[Any, ...]]] | None = None, task_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None, op_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None, concurrency_limit: int = 10000, max_attempts: int | None = None, log_root: str | Path | None = None, log_method: Callable[[str], None] = print) -> str

Run a parallel set of tasks using Jobmon.

This helper function encapsulates one of the simpler workflow patterns in Jobmon: a set of tasks that run in parallel, each with the same command but different arguments. More complicated workflows should be implemented directly.


runner The runner to use for the task. Default is 'rptask'. task_name The name of the task to run. Will also be used as the tool and workflow name. task_resources The resources to allocate to the task. node_args The arguments to the task script that are unique to each task. The keys of the dict are the names of the arguments and the values are lists of the values to use for each task. A dict with multiple keys will result in a cartesian product of the values. Mutually exclusive with flat_node_args. flat_node_args The arguments to the task script that are unique to each task. The first element of the tuple is the names of the arguments and the second element is a list of tuples of the values to use for each task. This can be used to avoid the cartesian product of node_args and just run a subset of the possible tasks. Mutually exclusive with node_args. task_args The arguments to the task script that are the same for each task, but alter the behavior of the task (e.g. input and output root directories). op_args Arguments that are passed to the task script but do not alter the logical behavior of the task (e.g. number of cores, logging verbosity). concurrency_limit The maximum number of tasks to run concurrently. Default is 10000. max_attempts The maximum number of attempts to make for each task. log_root The root directory for the logs. Default is None. log_method The method to use for logging. Default is print.


str The status of the workflow.

Source code in src/rra_tools/
def run_parallel(  # noqa: PLR0913
    runner: str,
    task_name: str,
    task_resources: dict[str, str | int],
    node_args: dict[str, Collection[Any] | None] | None = None,
    flat_node_args: tuple[tuple[str, ...], Collection[tuple[Any, ...]]] | None = None,
    task_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    op_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    concurrency_limit: int = 10000,
    max_attempts: int | None = None,
    log_root: str | Path | None = None,
    log_method: Callable[[str], None] = print,
) -> str:
    """Run a parallel set of tasks using Jobmon.

    This helper function encapsulates one of the simpler workflow patterns in Jobmon:
    a set of tasks that run in parallel, each with the same command but
    different arguments. More complicated workflows should be implemented

        The runner to use for the task. Default is 'rptask'.
        The name of the task to run.  Will also be used as the tool and workflow name.
        The resources to allocate to the task.
        The arguments to the task script that are unique to each task. The keys of
        the dict are the names of the arguments and the values are lists of the
        values to use for each task. A dict with multiple keys will result in a
        cartesian product of the values. Mutually exclusive with
        The arguments to the task script that are unique to each task. The first
        element of the tuple is the names of the arguments and the second element
        is a list of tuples of the values to use for each task. This can be used
        to avoid the cartesian product of node_args and just run a subset of the
        possible tasks. Mutually exclusive with node_args.
        The arguments to the task script that are the same for each task, but
        alter the behavior of the task (e.g. input and output root directories).
        Arguments that are passed to the task script but do not alter the logical
        behavior of the task (e.g. number of cores, logging verbosity).
        The maximum number of tasks to run concurrently. Default is 10000.
        The maximum number of attempts to make for each task.
        The root directory for the logs. Default is None.
        The method to use for logging. Default is print.

        The status of the workflow.
    if node_args is not None and flat_node_args is not None:
        msg = "node_args and flat_node_args are mutually exclusive."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if log_root is None:
        if task_args is None or "output-dir" not in task_args:
            msg = (
                "The task_args dictionary must contain an 'output-dir' key if no "
                "log_root is provided."
            raise KeyError(msg)
        log_root = Path(task_args["output-dir"])
    log_dir = make_log_dir(log_root)
    task_resources["stdout"] = str(log_dir / "output")
    task_resources["standard_output"] = str(log_dir / "output")
    task_resources["stderr"] = str(log_dir / "error")
    task_resources["standard_error"] = str(log_dir / "error")

    tool = get_jobmon_tool(workflow_name=task_name)
    workflow = tool.create_workflow(

    tasks = build_parallel_task_graph(

    return run_workflow(workflow, log_method)