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translate_dataframe(df: pd.DataFrame, columns: list[str] | None = None, source_language: str = 'auto', target_language: str = 'en') -> pd.DataFrame

Translate a dataframe using Google Translate.


df The dataframe to translate. columns The columns to translate. If None, all columns will be translated. source_language The language of the input text. If 'auto', Google Translate will attempt to detect the language. target_language The language to translate to.


pd.DataFrame The translated dataframe.

Source code in src/rra_tools/
def translate_dataframe(
    df: pd.DataFrame,
    columns: list[str] | None = None,
    source_language: str = "auto",
    target_language: str = "en",
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Translate a dataframe using Google Translate.

        The dataframe to translate.
        The columns to translate. If None, all columns will be translated.
        The language of the input text. If 'auto', Google Translate will attempt
        to detect the language.
        The language to translate to.

        The translated dataframe.
    df = df.copy()  # don't mutate the original dataframe

    if columns is None:
        columns = df.columns.tolist()
    translator = GoogleTranslator(source=source_language, target=target_language)
    for col in columns:
        df[f"{col}"] = translator.translate_batch(df[col].tolist())
    return df

translate_text_file(input_path: str | Path, output_path: str | Path, source_language: str = 'auto', target_language: str = 'en', input_encoding: str = 'utf-8') -> None

Translate a text file line-by-line using Google Translate.

This function will produce a new file interleaving the original lines with the translated lines. Google Translate is sometimes a little silly and so having the original line next to the translated line can be helpful, especially if you have some knowledge of the source language.


input_path The path to the input file. output_path The path to the output file. source_language The language of the input text. If 'auto', Google Translate will attempt to detect the language. target_language The language to translate to. input_encoding The encoding of the input file.

Source code in src/rra_tools/
def translate_text_file(
    input_path: str | Path,
    output_path: str | Path,
    source_language: str = "auto",
    target_language: str = "en",
    input_encoding: str = "utf-8",
) -> None:
    """Translate a text file line-by-line using Google Translate.

    This function will produce a new file interleaving the original lines with
    the translated lines. Google Translate is sometimes a little silly and so
    having the original line next to the translated line can be helpful, especially
    if you have some knowledge of the source language.

        The path to the input file.
        The path to the output file.
        The language of the input text. If 'auto', Google Translate will attempt
        to detect the language.
        The language to translate to.
        The encoding of the input file.
    with Path(input_path, encoding=input_encoding).open() as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    translator = GoogleTranslator(source=source_language, target=target_language)
    translated_lines = translator.translate_batch(lines)

    with Path(output_path).open("w") as f:
        for in_line, out_line in zip(lines, translated_lines, strict=False):
            if in_line: